
10018 - 6 Way Cross

10018 - 6 Way Cross
2 3/8" (2.375") Galvanized 6 Way Cross
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Item No. 2010-00110018-002

2 3/8" (2.375") Unfinished 6 Way Cross
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Item No. 2010-00110018-001

Product Description

The “6 Way Cross” can be used for building fences or other structures like livestock pens where you need to go in multiple directions from a single point.  This part consists of 4 separate pieces but due to advanced engineering, all 4 pieces are the same part.  Simply alternate which end is up and down, and the completed unit fits very tight. Square holes allow for the use of carriage bolts that are supplied with the part. The part itself acts like a lock washer so the bolts stay tight in all  hot and cold weather cycles. Available in 2 sizes, and 2 finishes.  See the .PDF for more technical specifications.


